

For all inquiries into our products, contact us by phone or e-mail. You may also reach us by posting a question on our feedback form.


If you wish to return a unit, or send it back for servicing, contact us and we may guide you with shipping.

Amplifier Basic Troubleshooting Checklist:

For further support please Contact Us.


Unless otherwise specified B&Z Technologies (seller) warrants each product it manufactures to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three years from date of shipment, as evidenced by Seller's packing list or transportation receipt, to the original purchaser. B&Z Technologies warrants its products to meet the original specifications set forth in the original specification sheet for that product, or the specifications listed and agreed upon in the buyers purchase order that was accepted by B&Z Technologies at the time of the original order.

B&Z Technologies obligation under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the product, at Seller's option, which Seller's examination shall prove to its satisfaction to be defective. In no event shall Seller's liability for any breach of warranty exceed the net selling price of the defective product. B&Z Technologies shall not be liable for any direct or consequential injury, loss or damage incurred through the use or the inability to use, any B&Z Technologies product.

All warranty returns must be authorized by a B&Z Technologies representative before the product is returned for repair. The buyer will prepay the shipping charges for all products returned for repair; the seller will pay for the return shipping.

This warranty shall not apply to any product that has been modified, disassembled, abused or physically or electrically damaged. Products damaged by electro-static discharge are not covered by this warranty. Appropriate ESD precautionary measures must be adhered to when handling the product.

B&Z Technologies reserves the right to make design changes to any product without incurring any obligation to make the same changes to previously purchased or delivered units.

Warranty repairs are warranted for a period of three years from the date of original shipment when the product was shipped as a new product.

This warranty is the full extent of obligation and liability assumed by B&Z Technologies respect to any and all B&Z Technologies products.